�  NOW 18 WPM transition file follows�

ARRL and the FCC have signed a Memorandum of Understanding that
paves the way to implement the new and enhanced Volunteer Monitor
program. The memorandum establishes the Volunteer Monitors as a
replacement for the Official Observers program. Current OOs have
been encouraged to participate in the new program.  We are excited
by the opportunity to codify our partnership with the FCC and to
work together to achieve our mutual interests of protecting the
integrity of our Amateur Radio bands, said ARRL President Rick
Roderick, K5UR. This Memorandum of Understanding will serve as the
foundation for a new level of partnership on this very important
issue.  ARRL has contracted with retired FCC special counsel and
former Atlantic Division Vice Director Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH,
to oversee the ARRLs role in the development and implementation of
the Volunteer Monitor program.  Approved by the ARRL Board of
Directors at its July 2018 meeting, the new Volunteer Monitor
program is a formal agreement between the FCC and ARRL in which
volunteers trained and vetted by the ARRL will monitor the airwaves
and collect evidence that can be used both to correct misconduct or
recognize exemplary on air operation. Cases of flagrant violations
will be referred to the FCC by the ARRL for action in accordance
with FCC guidelines.  The intent of this program is to re energize
enforcement efforts in the Amateur Radio bands. It was proposed by
the FCC in the wake of several FCC regional office closures and a
reduction in field staff.  Under this program, the FCC will give
enforcement priority to cases developed by the Volunteer Monitor
program, without the delay of ARRL having to refer cases through the
FCC online complaint process, Hollingsworth said.  Hollingsworth has
identified three phases to the program, Development, Solicitation
and Training, and Implementation.  The Development phase will
include drafting a mission statement, clearly defining the ARRLs and
FCCs requirements and needs as part of the program, writing a job
description for volunteer monitors, and developing a training manual
for volunteers.  The Solicitation and Training phase will involve
identifying the geographic locations where volunteer monitors will
be most needed, soliciting applications and guidance from Section
Managers in reviewing applicants. Those currently volunteering as
Official Observers are invited to apply for appointment as Volunteer
Monitors.  The Implementation phase will involve having the
volunteers provide field reports to ARRL, with staff offering
guidance to volunteers to ensure that the information collected
meets requirements for FCC enforcement action.  Hollingsworth has
committed to FCC and ARRL officials to ensure the adequacy of
training for the new positions, to review the quality and utility of
Volunteer Monitor submissions to the FCC for enforcement actions,
and to advocate for rapid disposition of cases appropriately
submitted to the FCC.  ARRL officials estimate that within 6 to 9
months the first Volunteer Monitors will be in place and ready to
begin their duties.

�  END OF 18 WPM transition file �