Skagit Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Club

Contact Information
- Club Name:
- Skagit Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Club
- Call Sign:
- Contact:
- Dean E. Becker KG6AKV
- Daytime Phone:
- (360) 293-1087
- Email:
Basic Information
- Call Sign:
- Annual Report:
- Jan 10th 2025
- Meeting Time:
- First Monday of each month at 6:00 PM
- Meeting Place:
- Salvation Army - Anacortes Wa.
- Section:
- Affiliation Date:
- Apr 28th 2017
- Specialties:
- Digital Modes, DX, General Interest, Public Service/Emergency, Repeaters, VHF/UHF
- Services Offered:
- Entry-Level License Classes, General Or Higher License Classes, License Test Sessions, Mentor, Packet Radio BBS, Repeater
- Description:
All members meet monthly for educational functions. Many members participate in weekly ARES radio check-ins at 12 sites around Anacortes. The Board meets monthly. A committee meets monthly with the Fire Chief. We operate and maintain repeaters on 70cm and 1.25 m. We teach classes several times a year for new licensees. We participate in many community events year-round. We have periodic training sessions in digital and other radio techniques. We participate in bimonthly FCC licensing examinations. We attend community events including Field Day, school and club demonstrations, parades, and festivals. We help with regional location of interfering signals by using triangulation with directional antennas. We run a weekly radio Net for all club members to help maintain their radios and operating procedures.
- Links:
Club Statistics
- Club Members:
- 91
- Voting Members:
- 91
- Voting Licensed Amateur Members:
- 91
- Voting ARRL Members:
- 36
Skagit Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Club Officers
Dean E. Becker KG6AKV -
Laura E. Herman KJ7CMU -
Ann Marie Humphreys KF7WMN -
Michelle G. Johnston KE0TUG -
Vice President
Ronald L. Johnston K7PAA -
Frederick Archibald Mann KJ7LLU