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Antenna Restrictions

Nov 17th 2024, 08:18


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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We have several regulars on here that talk about "Choice" and "Freedom" and that everyone has a right to not live in an HOA. I agree, everyone does have a choice where they live, well not exactly :)

Let's address newer construction first. In most parts of the country CC&R's and HOA's are forced on most new home buyers, it's not really a choice, it's take it or leave it, and the buyers are told "You'll Love It".

So, what's the fix for newer single-family residential developments??? It's simple, any single-family residential development must offer 50% of the homes without CC&R's / HOA's. This rule would apply to all of the developer's individual home models and lot sizes. So, out of 100 homes 50 must be similar in size & quality without CC&R's / HOA restrictions. "The Homeowners Freedom Act" is born!!!

The Homeowners Freedom Act would apply to older properties in this way. No entity (business or government) or individual may take legal action to enforce a CC&R on a single-family residential property 10 years after the enactment of the CC&R. HOA's would be exempted as long as they have the CC&R's reaffirmed by 60% of their members every 10 years.

So, there you go, freedom to choose before and after the purchase!!!! DONE!!!

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