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Maritime mobile in XE Land

Feb 18th 2012, 00:01


Joined: Jun 8th 2011, 17:36
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Trying this post again....

I'm a full time maritime mobile and currently operating from Mexico.

Can stations work me as a valid DX entity?

Am I operating as-if I am a DX entity as well, or am I basically a contact for others?

I've been creating new LOTW location entries for each anchorage\city we go to. Is that the right way to go and how will that affect me later when I'm adding up contacts for the bigger awards.

- Patrick - XE2/W7PEA/MM
Mar 16th 2012, 18:51


Super Moderator

Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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Hi Patrick

sounds like fun. But, for DXCC, your QSOs do not count for anyone else, and you really can't earn an official DXCC from all of your operations combined.

However, for CQ Magazine's Grid Fields award you could be in valuable places! Also, if you operate VHF or the satellites, your grid squares could be highly sought!

You are doing the correct thing with your station locations in LoTW too. Each new grid square should have a new Station Location set-up in TQSL.


Dave, NN1N

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