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LOTW - on 2 computers?

Jun 26th 2012, 00:22


Joined: Apr 17th 2011, 23:25
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My friends recommend LOTW, but I am wondering how to configure it between my 2 computers. One (fast) desktop is the "main" computer we use, but I will also have access to a laptop (slower, but wireless) that I plan to use at my station. Can I load LOTW both places, or is there a way to store the files temporarily on the laptop (downstairs) and then upload them (downstairs). Help info mentions transferring the certificate from one computer to the next, but isn't clear (to me) if it's possible to have LOTW running on two computers.
Jun 29th 2012, 13:33


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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For more information and a tutorial about LoTW, please see

For illustrated instructions on how to Get Started and Use LoTW, please see

Once a LoTW certificate has been obtained, please see the following link for instructions on how to move an existing certificate to another computer:

Moving LoTW To A New Or Second Computer+

Additional help is available at:

Thank you.

LoTW Administration
Jun 30th 2012, 18:14


Joined: May 14th 2011, 20:53
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Quote by KC9UHH
Help info mentions transferring the certificate from one computer to the next, but isn't clear (to me) if it's possible to have LOTW running on two computers.

The only part of LoTW that you are "running" on your computer(s) is the logbook signing utility. This utility uses (a copy of) your certificate to sign your logbook files.

You may copy your certificate to as many computers as necessary for your purposes by following the instructions at

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