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Question from a newbie on the Yaesu FT990 and inaccessible bands Mar 9th 2013, 09:39 3 5,191 on 21/3/13

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Question from a newbie on the Yaesu FT990 and inaccessible bands KZ8KZO on 9/3/13
Hello all.

Marty from Kalamazoo MI here. KZ8 KZO

I have a technician level permit, and have spent all my beer money to buy a Yaesu FT-990.

It appears to me that this unit will only operate (for me as technician grade and NOT a CW user) in the 80m, 40m, 15m and 10m bands.

Only 10m allows voice, and that's a mighty fine slice of 200 mhz that no one seems to be on.

I can do voice on the 6m > 23cm bands, but this "great radio" stops at 30mhz.

Soooooooooooo ... 6 of the 7 bands I'm allowed to operate on are not accessable on this radio.

I'm disappointed and frustrated. All at the same time.

Do I need another radio ?

Direct reply at is appreciated as I don't visit this site daily.


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