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Can we save Amateur Radio by killing it? Aug 26th 2019, 15:02 2 6,690 on 6/9/19
The Future of Amateur Radio Aug 16th 2019, 12:35 2 6,729 on 16/8/19
Power Line Noise Interference - Automatic Meter Reading BBOP type system May 28th 2019, 13:55 1 7,111 on 28/5/19
ARRL, FCC Discussing Issue of Uncertified Imported VHF/UHF Transceivers Oct 4th 2018, 11:17 6 8,692 on 16/11/19
FCC Dismisses Two Petitions from Radio Amateurs Jan 8th 2017, 18:51 3 8,515 on 4/4/17

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Using amateur radio call on a band that has no requirement KM3F on 12/2/20
My first question would be - what radio were you using when you were operating on 11 meters?

Second question would be - WHY?

If a person has an Amateur Extra Class license, they have all of HF to operate on, why would they want to bother with the half a meg of 11 meters and no license..

Most of the people that operates 11 meters associates that band with Outlaws and they don't take kindly to Hammies coming onto their band. Giving out your call sign would only subject yourself to criticism from them..

If you are operating illegally - using your ham gear to operate there, you are in fact breaking the law, which would jeopardize your license if you got caught. So why do it?

I know how hard I worked to get my license and I sure as heck wouldn't do anything to try and loose it.. You would be better off to buy yourself a old Camaro or Mustang and drive around town spinning your tires - with a loud exhaust and stereo - Like Ricky Bobby or Adam Sandler ..

End Fed QRP Antenna kd9equ on 8/2/20
Maybe the problem is - that you did not take into consideration the dielectric constinant of the wire used for the half wavelength dipole.

Or the fact that an end fed antenna is a poor radiator.

It's bandwidth is usually just a couple of kilocycles plus or minus 15, which is not a very good antenna for someone running 5 watts or less. Antenna tuners or trickers as I like to call them are very inefficient - throws away power trying to trick the radio into believing that the antenna is resonant..

And most people so lazy to use a end fed antenna is also too lazy to get that antenna 50' - 60' off the ground where it might do some good. More than likely if you can't find a match it is because of one of those reasons, or because you have it too close to a building, vehicles sitting beneath it or trees and you are getting a reflection off those objects..
Roger beep KI5SGT on 8/2/20
W3DO for ID - really upsets me when the net control for a local club says it..
Exra Exam E3C09 anwer error? tenthwave on 8/2/20
Instructor for one of my IT classes at Penn State told us that Wikimedia, wikipedia etc are not allowed for the purpose of using a quote for a term paper, because they are an open source type web page that anyone can add to or change and the answers are not always right.. Not saying that they are wrong, just saying that they are not always a reliable source of knowledge..

Glad to see that someone is actually looking at the questions and not just parroting off the answers given to them from a online source. Most new hams today refuses to buy a book and just goes on Eham and takes the exams a bunch of times until they manage to guess enough right answers a couple of times and figures that is good enough.. They don't really learn anything, they just do the bare minimum - pass the exam - to get the license..
Exra Exam E3C09 anwer error? tenthwave on 8/2/20
Instructor for one of my IT classes at Penn State told us that Wikimedia, wikipedia etc are not allowed for the purpose of using a quote for a term paper, because they are an open source type web page that anyone can add to or change and the answers are not always right.. Not saying that they are wrong, just saying that they are not always a reliable source of knowledge..

Glad to see that someone is actually looking at the questions and not just parroting off the answers given to them from a online source. Most new hams today refuses to buy a book and just goes on Eham and takes the exams a bunch of times until they manage to guess enough right answers a couple of times and figures that is good enough.. They don't really learn anything, they just do the bare minimum - pass the exam - to get the license..

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