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Is the ARRL Non-profit? or "For-Profit?" Jul 25th 2018, 14:52 4 6,588 on 2/8/18

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Is the ARRL Non-profit? or "For-Profit?" mem0arrl on 1/8/18 reality I'm paying for other people to get to enjoy their hobby from the dollars I pay as a "membership" fee? Makes me want to reconsider being a member.

From everything I have ever read the ARRL positions and advertises itself as an "advocate" for the US Amateur radio community. I guess it would be helpful if this organization were to publish the note "Not all funds you spend with us are used for the greater good. Some of us make $$$ off of some if it. Not all of this is public service."

(I'd LOVE it if someone would pay me to enjoy my hobbies...)

Is the ARRL Non-profit? or "For-Profit?" mem0arrl on 25/7/18
Hello. Is the ARRL a "For-Profit" company? If they are non-profit, then why do they charge so much money for training and testing materials? If there is no profit motivation, then why not just list downloadable PDFs of the materials?
I understand what it takes to run an organization and by no means do I think everything whould be "just free." However I do wonder where all the money goes?
---Or is that just none of my business?

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