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Artificial Grounding Mar 20th 2014, 23:45 2 6,227 on 21/3/14

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Artificial Grounding tedsiok on 20/3/14
Ted, KB1WCV here. My shack is, out of necessity, on the 2nd floor. My ground will be 19’ straight down to the ground rod from the ground buss. I have a Kenwood TS-940 with a 250 Watt PEP max output. I would like to have a 600 Watt amp eventually. I don’t care to have anything over that wattage. It seems that the artificial grounding units, such as the MFJ-934, handle only up to 300 watts. Why is this? What am I to do when I get my 600 watt amp? Any advice or experience you have to share would be appreciated. Thank you.

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