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FT8 issues Jul 2nd 2019, 08:47 5 6,553 on 2/7/19

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FT8 issues N1IPU on 2/7/19
Hamspots shows multiple stations hearing me. Is there a good way of understanding what Sig and DT could tell me? They are all over the place. but most do not report DT.
FT8 issues N1IPU on 2/7/19
Yes, running meinburg. checked it and timing is good. Will try hamspots next, thanks
FT8 issues N1IPU on 2/7/19
I installed wsjt-x running through hamradio deluxe. Have yet to make any contacts on FT-8 yet on wspr I am heard every time.
Followed every guide for the ft-991a and HRD tech support ran through my install and working fine psk-31.
Stumped at the moment on how to run this issue to ground.

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