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Joined: Thu, Mar 9th 2023, 14:20 Roles: N/A Moderates: N/A

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Topic Created Posts Views Last Activity
One last attempt to get an answer Jun 9th 2023, 18:51 2 2,810 on 26/7/23
Waste of time Jun 2nd 2023, 09:03 5 3,221 on 17/8/24
Ten-Tec 253 Autotuner and FT-840 band data Jun 1st 2023, 17:38 1 2,648 on 1/6/23
Yaesu FC-800 autotuner with HyGain vertical May 29th 2023, 19:30 1 2,536 on 29/5/23
AV-14AVQ with short M2 May 13th 2023, 16:23 1 2,640 on 13/5/23
Single wire end-fed Apr 20th 2023, 06:37 2 3,178 on 26/7/23

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One last attempt to get an answer K1CPR on 9/6/23
i am setting up an AV-14AVQ roof mount radial system with 8 radials as per the manufacturer recommendation, all 1/4 wave. Two of the radials are 33 ft. My roof is 45 ft wide and my antenna is mounted on a tripod right in the middle. That means that the 40m band radials will end up with about 11 ft of excess radial once I get to the end of the roof.

What is the recommended way to deal with the excess? Let it hang down? Let it hang down to an insulator attached to the side wall? Extend it out on some sort of pole?

This is my last attempt getting an answer to a number of questions. If no answer I will conclude ARRL is a total waste of my money and will dump it.
Waste of time K1CPR on 2/6/23
Three technical questions in three weeks and not a single answer.

This forum is a waste of time, just like the rest of ARRL.
Ten-Tec 253 Autotuner and FT-840 band data K1CPR on 1/6/23
Has anyone here ever managed to interface the band data connector on the Yaesu FT-840 with the Ten-Tec 253 automatic tuner's band data interface? If so, would you share the pinout of the interface cable?
Yaesu FC-800 autotuner with HyGain vertical K1CPR on 29/5/23
Has anyone had any success using a Yaesu FC-800 autotuner with a HyGain AV-14AVQ vertical antenna? I know I should probably use an FC-10 instead but I can't seem to be able to find one, and I did find an FC-800 on eBay.
AV-14AVQ with short M2 K1CPR on 13/5/23
I bought two used HyGain AV-14AVQ antennas with the intent of using them in a phased installation, but I ran into a snag. The M2 tube on these antennas is only 26" long but the manual says it should be 52" long. I am trying to set it up for mid-band ground mount, which calls for making the length of M2 29", but can't do that with a 26" tube. I thoiught maybe I need to extrapolate to 14.5" since 26 is 1/2 of 52, but i was wondering if perhaps I have an older version of this antenna. ???

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