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Winter Field Day Event Jan 4th 2017, 15:15 1 6,845 on 4/1/17
Winter Field Day, Jan 30-31 2016, all bands/modes Jan 7th 2016, 13:26 1 9,932 on 7/1/16

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Winter Field Day Event N8KC on 4/1/17
Winter Field Day,,, Shake off those Winter blues, get out (or stay in) and play some radio.. solo or in a group. A ton of FUN!! Configured along similar lines as ARRL's Summer Field Day, yet unique. See rules and more at:
Winter Field Day, Jan 30-31 2016, all bands/modes N8KC on 7/1/16
If you enjoy ARRL's summer Field Day, you're gonna' love Winter Field Day. Originally sponsored by the SPAR organization in 2007 it got off to a good start, but then fell on hard times in 2015 when the aging/ailing leadership of SPAR could no longer cope with scoring the entries and publicizing the event. That's changed... there's now a new team that's taken over (with SPAR's blessings) and we've been working hard to publicize the contest, re-write/redefine a few rules, change the exchange and garner more participation.

Join us... right in the middle of the winter doldrums, renew that Field Day spirit of camaraderie and the joy of working your favorite band/mode. Operate solo, in pairs, or as a team (multi) from home, a remote location, indoors, or outdoors... it's up to you! Earn bonus points for outdoor operation, non-commercial power, and remote locations. Winter Field Day is a perfect opportunity for your club to put together an outing... for mine, WFD is one of our largest annual social events after summer Field Day.

There is a webpage up now, as well as a Facebook Group page you can follow for updates, where to send logs, and rules...
Join us on Facebook!

Hope to hear you calling CQ WFD on the bands on Winter Field Day 2016!!!
Uverse RFI W5VIN on 29/1/14
Wow.. glad I came across this. We had ATT Uverse put in months ago. At the time, I was not terribly active on the lower bands and failed to notice the dramatic change in my noise levels on 40m. When I did first notice it, I had thought it was a return off local Edison power line problems... a near constant source of RFI issues near me (old hardware that they refuse to replace until it breaks). But, this RFI sounded different upon listening closer and hadn't been there prior to the Uverse installation. It's not the typical "buzz" with a distinct AC note like Edison's RFI... it's more of a constant low "rushing" sound.....

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