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Joined: Sat, Apr 4th 1998, 00:00 Roles: N/A Moderates: N/A

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Field Day--Class A Stations Jun 8th 2020, 20:56 1 7,778 on 8/6/20
Antenna Modeling for Beginners Feb 8th 2013, 18:19 3 9,689 on 14/2/13
Roller Inductor Tuner Dec 20th 2011, 19:26 1 9,525 on 20/12/11
Using Ladder Line Jul 27th 2011, 19:43 3 11,413 on 29/7/11

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MFJ issues KK7CLY on 17/8/23
Like everyone they may be experiencing staffing shortages. I'm still waiting ( 2 years ) on an accessory I ordered from another major manufacturer. They have had issues with quality control but have made it right (but it can take some time). Hopefully they will get your problem sorted out.
Nylon monofilament line + end-fed WA4LYL on 8/5/23
That should work fine.
Should I tune for Resistance or Impedence? KT8DX on 28/3/23
In essence they are both telling you the same information about your antenna. You want a low SWR to make the radio happy. You want the antenna at resonance to make the antenna happy. Those don't necessarily occur at the same point. Your antenna may be resonant but not at the impedance of your radio/coax (50 ohms).

Sigma XR-3000d on 28/2/23
I believe one switch selects what the meter is "metering". In the tune position it is measuring the "relative" RF output. The sensitivity adjusts the amount of "relative" RF output it is measuring. This is used to keep the meter from "pegging" to the full scale stop.

This is used to tune the other controls for maximum RF output.

DRM color codes on 2/9/22
Color codes are used to identify a repeater. Each repeater is assigned 1 of 16 sixteen (codes). The default code is 1. Contact the repeater trustee for the specific code.

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