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garage door opener & 7074 ft8 Jan 4th 2018, 14:01 3 7,503 on 5/1/18

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garage door opener & 7074 ft8 WA9TBA on 5/1/18
YUP - hit it on the head. tnx, 73 have great new year wa9tba
garage door opener & 7074 ft8 WA9TBA on 4/1/18
Have recently started using FT8 to somewhat of a great degree. My wife has come to notice that my operating on 7.074 for ft8 causes the door opener to activate - up & dn w/ each tx. This opener was installed in 2011, & has only one op freq of 302 mc it appears. Any thoughts as to rectifying the issue, tnx, wa9tba

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