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    01/19/2010 | Dominican Hams Attempt to Install Repeaters in Haiti

    Eight members of the Radio Club Dominicano (RCD) -- the Dominican Republic's IARU Member-Society -- and Union Dominicana de Radio Aficionados (UDRA) arrived in Haiti on Friday, January 15, to install an emergency radio communications station and a mobile
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    01/06/2010 | 2009 Sees Surge of New Amateur Radio Licensees

    This past year was a banner year for new Amateur Radio licensees. According to ARRL VEC Manager Maria Somma, AB1FM, the FCC issued more than 30,000 new ham radio licenses. "In 2009, the demand for Amateur Radio exam sessions remained elevated and is
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  • ADN

    12/24/2009 | ARRL Announces KF2YN's ARRL Antenna Designer's Notebook

    Radio amateurs are making true advances in the state of the art through antenna experimentation. The most effective effort begins with an idea -- and that idea is developed into a workable antenna design. Aided by personal computers and antenna modeling s
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  • NCJ_JanFeb2010

    12/17/2009 | Check Out the January/February 2010 NCJ

    The January/February issue of NCJ, The National Contest Journal, is filled with the latest news from the contesting world. Whether you are new to contesting or are a seasoned pro -- or somewhere in the middle -- you will find something in Learn More

  • 11/30/2009 | Two New Products -- Just in Time for the Holidays!

    If you're still looking for that "just right" stocking stuffer for the ham in your life (or maybe you want to treat yourself), look no further than the ARRL Online Store. This holiday season, we are proud to present two new items: the ARRL holid
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  • 11/10/2009 | Norwegian Amateurs Receive New Privileges

    As of November 6, radio amateurs in Norway were granted privileges on three new bands, as well as primary status on the extended 40 meter band and a frequency extension
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  • 11/02/2009 | Three Amateurs Inducted into Consumer Electronics Hall of Fame

    Earlier this year, the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) named 13 men -- including three radio amateurs -- to the Consumer Electronics Hall of Fame. The honorees were inducted last month at CEA's Industry Forum in Phoenix, Arizona. Former ARRL Rocky
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