SB QST @ ARL $ARLB047 ARLB047 ARRL Board Adopts New League Identity ZCZC AG47 QST de W1AW ARRL Bulletin 47 ARLB047 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT July 20, 1999 To all radio amateurs SB QST ARL ARLB047 ARLB047 ARRL Board Adopts New League Identity The ARRL Board of Directors unanimously has approved the use of a new identity for the League. Meeting July 16-17 in Rocky Hill, Connecticut, the Board accepted the recommendation of the ARRL Executive Committee to emphasize the initials ''ARRL'' in conjunction with the tag line ''The national association for Amateur Radio.'' The new identity--which is not a legal name change--will appear on League correspondence and publications. The traditional--and legal--name will be retained but de-emphasized. Further discussion of any possible new name for the League has been deferred until the Board's January 2000 meeting. The ARRL Board also approved a proposal to hold a Hiram Percy Maxim 130-year anniversary on-the-air event September 2-11, 1999. In other matters, the Board unanimously authorized a mail vote of full members in the proposed new West Central Florida Section, which includes nine counties that now are part of the Southern Florida Section. A group calling itself the West Central Florida Section Committee filed a petition with the League earlier this year to create a third section in the Sunshine State. Ballots will go out within a few weeks to ARRL members in Charlotte, DeSoto, Hardee, Highlands, Hillsborough, Manatee, Pinellas, Polk and Sarasota counties. Results of the balloting will be reported to the Board on a county-by-county basis. If a simple majority of eligible members voting approves the change, the Board will review the entire petition file and vote to approve or disapprove the requested change. That decision is final. There now are 70 ARRL sections. The ARRL Board also discussed the recent Petition for Rulemaking filed by the Central States VHF Society and plans to file timely comments on the proposal. The petition would amend FCC rules to formally segregate wideband and narrowband modes on VHF and UHF bands to eliminate interference from FM and packet in the so-called weak-signal portions of 6 and 2 meters and 70 cm. The League's comments will support the intent of the petition, but the Board unanimously agreed that the petition, as submitted, ''does not sufficiently establish a basis for the regulatory relief requested.'' As an alternative to the CSVHFS petition, the League's comments will suggest doing a better job of educating the amateur community about ARRL band plans. The League also plans to again try to get the FCC to acknowledge that VHF and UHF operation in accordance with ARRL band plans is ''good amateur practice'' and will seek supporting compliance efforts by the FCC. The Board also announced the winners of several ARRL annual awards. Elisabeth Price, KC8ALW, of Worthington, Ohio, is the winner of the Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Award for 1998. The Maxim Award goes annually to an amateur under age 21 who has demonstrated exemplary ham radio contributions and accomplishments. The award carries a $1000 stipend, an engraved plaque and a trip to an ARRL convention for a formal award presentation. Jerry S. Paquette, WB8IOW, of West Union, Ohio, and Roland Anders, K3RA, of Elkridge, Maryland, were named the recipients of the Herb S. Brier Instructor of the Year Award. Barbara Pederson, KE4JZM, of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, won the Professional Educator of the Year Award. David Timoshik, WA6AYI, of Winnetka, California, is this year's recipient of the Excellence in Recruiting Award. Doug Smith, KF6DX, of Sedona, Arizona, won the Doug DeMaw Technical Excellence Award for his series ''Signals, Samples and Stuff: A DSP Tutorial,'' in the March through September 1998 issues of QEX. Peter Coffee, AC6EN, of Torrance, California, is the recipient of the Philip McGan Award for his work in publicizing Amateur Radio. In other action, the Board * directed Executive Vice President David Sumner, K1ZZ, to study the development and implementation of electronic QSL submittals for ARRL-sponsored awards. * requested that Headquarters staff study the implementation of an ARRL Web-based member survey capability and report to the Executive Committee before the 2000 annual meeting in January. * directed Sumner to develop and implement strategies to induce developers ''and others who have influence in these matters'' to relax restrictive covenants pertaining to Amateur Radio and antennas ''so that Amateur Radio activities might be broadly accommodated.'' * heard ''A Vision for Amateur Radio: Progress Report'' from Sumner that addresses where Amateur Radio will be in 2010 and the challenges the League and the hobby will face. * officially recognized ''the historic and benevolent contributions of the National Traffic System and its operators to the ARRL and the public service program, on the occasion of NTS's 50th anniversary. * formally put in place a mediation program, as part of the previously approved ARRL Alternative Dispute Resolution Service. * directed the Headquarters staff to review the effects of contest rules pertaining to rovers and to make recommendations for promoting the participation by rovers. * presented a National Certificate of Merit to Nate Brightman, K6OSC, ''for his dedicated efforts'' that have resulted in continuous operation of the W6RO station aboard the Queen Mary by an Amateur Radio staff of more than 100 volunteers. 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