SB SPACE @ ARL $ARLS020 ARLS020 W1AW to participate in meteor scatter/APRS experiment ZCZC AS20 QST de W1AW Space Bulletin 020 ARLS020 From ARRL Headquarters Newington, CT November 15, 2000 To all radio amateurs SB SPACE ARL ARLS020 ARLS020 W1AW to participate in meteor scatter/APRS experiment ARRL Maxim Memorial Station W1AW again will participate in a meteor-scatter experiment by attempting to bounce APRS packets off the ionized particles resulting from the Leonids meteor shower. Beginning at 2100 UTC on November 17 through November 20, W1AW will operate WinAPRS-equipped stations on 6 and 2 meters. W1AW will monitor and beacon on 53.530 MHz and 147.585 MHz continuously, transmitting its grid square. On 6 meters, W1AW will use an ICOM IC-756 running 100 W with an MFJ-1278 TNC. On 2 meters, W1AW will use an ICOM IC-271 at 45 W with a AEA PK232 Multimode controller. An article ''Leonids Meteors for the Regular Guy'' by Ev Tupis, W2EV, is available to ARRL members on the ARRL Web site, Also see ''An Automated Meteor-Scatter Station'' by Tupis in November 1999 QST. QSLs will be available for all stations receiving W1AW's APRS beacons. An SASE is requested. NNNN /EX