ARRL Division Convention Grant Program
Guidelines and Process (PDF) | Application (PDF)
The ARRL Division Convention Grant Program was established to strengthen the capability of Divisions to host recurring, annual conventions that attract and engage ARRL members and the wider amateur radio community. The grant program is intended to identify and support events that demonstrate a well-defined basis for organizing a convention, and a commitment to a sustainable growth strategy. Events seeking a one-time grant must make a 3-year commitment to being sanctioned as an ARRL Division Convention.
Guidelines and Process
The ARRL Division Convention Grant Program was established to strengthen the capability of Divisions to host recurring, annual conventions that attract and engage ARRL members and the wider amateur radio community. The grant program is intended to identify and support events that demonstrate a well-defined basis for organizing a convention, and a commitment to a sustainable growth strategy. Events seeking a one-time grant must make a 3-year commitment to being sanctioned as an ARRL Division Convention.
- The application for the grant must be reviewed and approved by the Division Director before submission, and the Director must agree that all ARRL-sanctioned conventions obligations, as defined within these guidelines, will be met.
- Event size should be at a minimum of 500 attendees.
- The maximum amount for the grant is $25,000 and is dependent on all the factors being considered within the application and against funding for any other grant applications. Demonstrated need must be clearly documented.
- Scope must target amateur radio and can provide some potential overlap with other radio services or adjacent spaces (e.g., computers, networking).
- Event must be designated as the Division Convention for the grant year. If the event is being supported as a rebuilding, the event must be designated as the Division Convention for the year following the grant year.
- Event should be designated by the Division Director to also be the Division Convention for the two years following the grant. Years 2 and 3 can also be considered for additional grant support but new grant applications must be submitted, and the total for all years combined cannot exceed $25,000.
- A Specialty Convention can be considered but must meet most of the guidelines at the discretion of the grants committee. This is meant to support large important conventions that may not necessarily have all guidelines apply to their event, including serving as a Division Convention.
- Event must provide financials from previous years and demonstrate the plan to return to at least breakeven within the grant year and 2 years following.
- Grants are intended to be used in advance of the event. Consideration can be made after an event has been held and lost money depending on event financials clearly illustrating the revenue and expenses leading to the loss.
- Event must include a forum track, including an ARRL Forum to be attended and led by the Division Director or Vice Director. The ARRL Forum must be held at a time and in a manner agreed upon by both ARRL HQ and the event organizer.
- Event must provide ARRL HQ with a booth, free of charge, in a location and size agreed upon by both ARRL and the event organizer.
- Event must demonstrate rosters of the organizer committee and event volunteers that can support the successful operation of the event.
- Event must complete the grant application and include complete supporting documentation.
- Event must present application to their ARRL Division Director.
- Division Director will review the application, ensure ARRL participation is available, then sign and submit the grant application to the ARRL Foundation President and ARRL CEO.
- The ARRL CEO will have staff review the application for completeness and work with the organization submitting the grant for any additional information and/or documentation.
- Once the grant application has been vetted by HQ staff, the final grant application will be forwarded to the Foundation President, Foundation Grants Committee Chair, and ARRL CEO.
- The Foundation Grants Committee will then review and decide on a resolution of the grant application, following appropriate Foundation approval procedures. The resolution must include final dollar amount, timing of funding, usage of funds, and required documentation of actual spend. The resolution must be made in the form of an agreement between ARRL Foundation and the organizer.
- The Foundation Grants Committee Chair will notify the Division Director who will be responsible for communicating the grant applicant/event organizer of the decision, including the resolution document that may include a grant agreement for signature and return if applicable.
- The grant agreement must be signed by the ARRL CFO.
- If possible, application should be submitted four months in advance of event.
Awarded Division Convention Grants
· HamCon Colorado – Rocky Mountain Division
· Yuma Hamfest – Southwest Division
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