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1 Mhz Standard source Jan 20th 2012, 12:34 3 7,756 on 22/1/12

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1 Mhz Standard source kf4tvy on 22/1/12
Thank you for the link. I had been searching for a source such as the TCXO2 but everything I found was very expensive. I just now ordered theirs.

1 Mhz Standard source kf4tvy on 20/1/12
Does anyone have a schematic for building a crystal controlled oscillator to be used as a 1 Mhz standard. I have a Heathkit IB-1102 Frequency Counter I want to calibrate. The manual says to connect a 1 Mhz standard to the back and then adjust. There are all kinds of oscillator schematics on the internet. I am hoping someone here will know of one better suited for my intended use. I have a new 1 Mhz crystal already. Thanks,


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