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Getting Started Apr 17th 2016, 12:58 3 5,854 on 30/4/16

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Getting Started KD2JRI on 17/4/16
Howdy all,
Just starting out and know enough to hurt myself. My question is what would be considered the best all around Base Station, Mobile and Handheld? I'm looking to avoid my normal hobby entry mistakes of buying radio X and then when I learn a bit more realize it doesn't do xyz and now I have to upgrade to radio Y. Not that money is no object but I also try not to buy cheap....So is there a base station and mobile and hand held that handles most to all bands. ( Going for my Extra Class next month.) Is powerful enough and so on. Got into astronomy several years ago and have 5 telescopes now....the first 4 in the progression never make it out to the field because I kept buying bigger and better. ( I donated them to the local Boy Scout summer camp Astronomy Program). Trying to avoid a repeat. Same goes for the universal antenna. I know I'll make some sacrifices on some bands but there has to be one that works moderate to good on all bands. Thanks. Not sure what area of Ham will be my focus so kinda looking to lay the groundwork of being able to try all aspects before I settle in one direction or another.


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